
Family histories are enriched when contemporary information published in newspapers is included. Local and regional events shaped their lives—newspapers told our ancestors’ stories and chronicled their comings and goings. These are just a few resources that await your discovery. Many more indexes are detailed in the St. Clair County Research and Resources, A Genealogist’s Guide.

On this website

On the Member site

  • New information about newspapers appears in the Member site Classroom.
  • Belleville (Ill.) News Democrat online images 1901-2002, a Member benefit.  Join SCCGS!
  • Belleville Newspaper Abstracts 1840–1940.” Digital documents. Locally known as the WPA newspaper card file, these abstracts, taken from Belleville newspapers, encompass nearly 100,000 3×5 cards about businesses, churches, civil leaders, clubs, court cases, farmers, military, pioneers, residents, and many other topics.Importantly, all of text within each abstract adds another 900,000 list of associate information in a new finding aid. Together, this is but one gateway to ancestral and historically significant research facilitated by the Society. A Member benefit. Join SCCGS
Quick Action Boiler Company

Quick Action Boiler Company


Michael Quigley




Quarterly articles

Keyword searches such as gazette, zeitung, or newspaper, or obituary will find Quarterly articles focused on a topic, similar to this search for the word school:


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