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On our website
Abstracts from Funeral Cards (sometimes termed mourning cards or prayer cards).
Schwarz Funeral Home records 1902 – 1910. O’Fallon area.
In the Quarterly
The Quarterly table of contents is one way to discover special topics published on its pages but not on our websites. Type a keyword, location, or name in the website search link above and look for matches titled Quarterly Table of Contents.
For example, a search topic on emigration or an ethnic group will find more obscure ‘hits’ such as these:
- “Suggested information for Polish Researchers,” Volume 16 Number 1 (1993).
- “Emigrants from Dietzenbach, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany,” Volume 20 Number 4 (1997).
More on the Quarterly itself is under Publications on the main menu above.
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