Sample Real Estate Petition

Samuel Christy et. al., Administrators
of Robert McCracken
Circuit Court Case File 3507
Petition to Sell Real Estate, 1830
St. Clair County, Illinois

Transcription. File Jacket indicates this case is recorded in Record Book F2: 95
Paper case file located at the Illinois State Archives, Springfield

Words in [square brackets] are additions or guesses by the transcriber.

[Document 1]


“1823 Sept 1 Estate of William Biggs dec’d Dtr
in a/c with Johnathan Moore & wife.To Illinois State bank paper lent $30.00″

“State of Illinois } ss
St. Clair County }

This day Nancy Biggs widow of the above named William Biggs personally came before me and made oath that she saw the money mentioned in the above account lent to the said William Biggs and that she beleives the said a/c to be just and true, and that it is now due.

Nancy Biggs

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of August 1830

John H. Dennis J.P.”

[reverse side of Document 1]

“filed 5th day of August 1830
[-?-] Clk”

[Document 2 – Petition to Sell Real Estate]

“Augt. Term 1830
In the matter of McCrackins Admr St. Clair Circuit Court

To the Honl [J?] W. Smith Judge of the second judicial circuit, your petitioners Samuel C. Cristy and Thomas Short Adrs of the estate of Robert M’Cracken Decd respectfully, Showeth that they have made a partial settlement of the estate of the estate of the said M’Cracken by which it appears there is remaining on hand (deducting priveledged debts paid) the Sum of two hundred and fifty five Dollars and Seven cents only to pay the Sum of sixteen hundred and eighty Six Dollars and fifty four cents, having a balance of debts unpaid and which the personal estate of the Said McCracken is insufficient to pay, The Sum of $1431.57ct all which will appear by the Statement here with exhibited, and they further represent that the Said M’Cracken died siezed and possessed of the following real estate towit part of Survey Number 602 Claim No 115 [-?-] Survey No 589 Claim No 1880 also Survey No 586 Claim No 1869 containing 320 acres being part of Section No 17 Township No 4 north range No 9 West of the third principal meridian. all in the county of Madison and State of Illinois which your petitioners pray may be sold to pay the debts which are now unpaid of the Said McCracken &c and now your petitioners will [-?-].

S. C. Christy
Thomas Short”

[reverse side Document 2]

“Robert McCracken’s
Petition to Sell
Real EstateFiled 4th Augt 1830”

[Document 3]

“I Andrew Christy being sworn States that he has examined [the] annexed advertisement and
[f]ound it regularly inserted three succesive weeks [hence?] [-?-]pevely in a public news paper called the Kaskaskia Democrat commencing on the 23d day of June and ending on the 14th July 1830.

Andrew Christy [Sn?]

Signed and Sworn to
before me this 4th day
of August 1830

John H. Dennis J.P.”

[Attached public notice from newspaper reads as follows]

“Public Notice is hereby given, that we shall present a petition to the Circuit Court of St. Clair County at the term thereof to be held at Belleville on the first Monday in the month of August next, for an order of said court to sell the whole or so much of the real estate of which Robert M’Cracken late of said county died seized, as will be sufficient to pay his debts, the personal estate, being insufficient for that purpose.
All persons interested in said real estate can attend at said term, and show cause why it should not be sold for the purposes aforesaid.

Samuel C. Christy,
Thomas Short.

Administrators on the estate of Robert M’Cracken.
St. Clair County, June 23, 1830.”

[reverse side Document 3]

“Matter of McCrackin
AffidavitCertificate of Pubn
filed 4 Augt 1830″

[End Samuel Christy et. al., Administrators of Robert McCracken; Petition to Sell Real Estate, 1830]

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