Sample Divorce

Catherine Keable vs Richard Keable
Circuit Court Case File 3007
Divorce 1822
St. Clair County, Illinois

Transcription. File Jacket indicates this case is recorded in Record Book D: 7
Paper case file located at the Illinois State Archives, Springfield

Words in [square brackets] are additions or guesses by the transcriber.

[Document 1 – Complaint]

“State of Illinois }
Saint Clair County }
Circuit Court }

Catharine Keable formerly Catharine Lee by her Uncle Paul Kingston complains of Richard Keable for this that the said Catharine in the month of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty in the County aforesaid She was lawfully married unto said Richard Keable under a conviction that their matrimonial union would be productive of their mutual content and happiness She says that ever since their intermarriage as aforesaid She has in all things conducted herself towards her him said husband as a good Kind and affectionate wife ought to do and that She has ever since their intermarriage as aforesaid faithfully Kept performed and fulfilled all and Singular the duties and obligations enjoined and imposed on her by their Said matrimonial vow But She says that her said husband not regarding the sacred obligations of matrimony he hath not Kept but hath broken the same in this viz That he has repeatedly and with extreme cruelty beaten her and abused her with threats of various [unreadable word] injuries and he has with extreme and repeated cruelty Since their said intermarriage driven her frequently without any just cause from his bed and from his house [the words ‘said Keable’s’ written above the line] in the dead hours of the night and that the She considers her life in great danger from his violence when She lived with him and that She considers her life in continual danger from his malignant passions were She to return to live with him again and that therefore she dare not return to live with him any more and he has betten her and tried to make a horseirun over her and to tramble her on the ground and he has in various respects committed on her extreme and repeated cruelty and he has dropped her out of her bed in the night by the heels Wherefore She prays this honorable court to decree her a divorce from the bed and board of him the said Catharine Richard and that a daughter she has the offspring of their marriage be decreed to her and that what other and further relief may be awarded in the premises which to this honorable Court may appear just and right and as in duty bound she will ever pray &c.

[unreadable signature] for

Filed summary of case
[unreadable signature] for compt

[Document 2 – Summons]

“State of Illinois } The People of the State of Illinois
St. Clair County ss}

To the Sheriff of our Said County Greeting: whereas Catharine Keable formerly Catharine Lee by her uncle Paul Kingston by William Mears her attorney hath filed her Libel of Divorce in the Clerk’s office against Richard Keable, you are therefore commanded, that you Summon the said Richard Keable if he may be found in your Bailiwick, that he be and appear before the Justice of the our Circuit Court next to be holden at Belleville for and within the Said County on the first monday of September next then and there in our Said Court Show Cause if any he can why the Said Catharine Keable Should not be divorced from the bed and Board of Said Richard Keable and Serve the Said Richard Keable with the attested copy of the Said Libel which is herewith accompanied and make due return thereof–

Witness John Hay Clerk of our Said Court at Belleville this twenty first day of August
In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty one –
John Hay”

[reverse side of Document 2]

“Catharine Keable formerly &c
Richard KeableSums of Libel of divorce
Retbble Sept Term 1821

I duly Executed the within Summons on the within named Richard Keable on the 22nd day of August 1821 by reading the within summons to him on the day before mentioned and did serve him with the attested Copy of the original Bill filed in the Clerks office in this Case which was hereunto annexed as the law directs.

Serving S—50
Miles 10—60
[Total] $1.19

William A. Beaird
Sheriff of St. Clair County”


[Document 3 – Answer]

“State of Illinois
St Clair County Circuit Court September Term 1821

The answer of Richard Keable to the bill of Catharine Keable praying to be divorced from the bed and board of this Defendant for answer to all and singular this matter and things or so much therein as he conceives material to answer says true it is he was lawfully married to the complainant as Stated in her bill and under the conviction that their matrimonial union would be attended and productive of their mutual content and happiness, this defendant denies everything Stated in said bill which [groes] to charge this defendant with anything like abuse of any description or improper conduct towards the said complainant this defendant states he has ever since his marriage with said complainant he has always and at all times been a faithful indulgent and and affectionate husband – and that at the time of the marriage this Defendant had considerable money which said Catharine and her [consultors?] well new that said Catharine was a very poor girl – and that so long as his money held out his wife held out but after his money was exhausted his wife deserted revolted [grew?] petulent stubern and discontented and even drew false orders in the name of this defendant to obtain money and credit by and through him – This defendant states that she run him considerably in debt

[reverse side of Document 3]

without his knowing permission or consent and that he is well satisfied if his money had of held out he would have still been blessed with a contented wife – and since her departure She has offerrd to live with this Defendant if he would make half of his property over to her, this defendant states her considering himself entitled to both legs of the breeches refused, he positively denies anything like abuse droping out by the heels as charged in the bill therefore prays to be dismissed with his reasonable costs &c prays this Honorable Court will not grant the pray of the complainant

Richard Keable


Catharine Keable }
Richd Keable }


[Document 4 – Summons]

“The People of the State of Illinois
To the Sheriff of St Clair County Greeting

You are hereby commanded to Summon Thomas Lee John Lee & Joseph Taber to be and appear before the Circuit Court of Said County on the third day of the term next to be holden at Belleville on the first Monday of September next to testify and the truth to Speak in behalf of Catharine Keable formerly Catharine Lee by her uncle Paul Kingston in a certain matter of controversy now pending in our Said Court whereas Catharine Keable formerly &c – is plaintiff and Richard Keable – is defendant This in no wise omit under the penalty of what the law directs and have you then there this writ

Witness John Hay Clerk of our Said Court at Belleivlle this twenty Eighth Day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty one
John Hay”

[reverse side Document 4]


“Catharine Keable }
formerly &c }


Richard Keable }


Retble Sept Term 1821 3rd day

Executed on 2 — 75
Miles 9 — 57
Rets —– 9
[Total]— $1.38

Joseph Taber not found

William A Beaird Sheriff”


[Document 5 – Summons]

“The People of the State of Illinois
To the Sheriff of St Clair County Greeting

You are hereby Commanded to Summon Jane Lee & John [Tauley?] Betsey Tanley – to be and appear before the Circuit Court of Said County on the third day of the term, next to be holden at Belleville on the first Monday of September next to testify and the truth to Speak in behalf of Catharine Keable formerly Catharine Lee by her uncle Paul Kingston – in a certain matter of controversy now pending in our Said Court wherein Catharine Keable formerly &c – is plaintiff and Richard Keable – is Defendant This in no wise omit under the penalty of what the law Directs and have you then there this writ

Witness John Hay Clerk of our Said Court at Belleville this twenty Eight Day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty one
John Hay”

[reverse side Document 5]


“Catharine Keable }
formerly &c }


Richard Keable }


Retble Sept Term 1821 3rd day

Executed — 1.12
Miles 10 — ..60
Rets —– ..9
[Total]— $1.81

William A Beaird Sheriff”


[Document 6 – Summons]

“The People of the State of Illinois
To the Sheriff of St Clair County Greeting

You are hereby Commanded to Summon Thomas Lee John Lee & Joseph Taber – to be and appear before the Circuit Court of Said County on the first day of the term, next to be holden at Belleville on the fourth Monday of March next to testify and the truth to Speak in behalf of Catharine Keable – in a certain matter of controversy now pending in our Said Court wherein Said Catharine Keable is – is Plaintiff and Richard Keable – is Defendants. This in no wise omit under the penalty of what the law Directs and ave you then there this writ

Witness John Hay Clerk of our Said Court at Belleville this twenty Tenth Day of January
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty two
John Hay”

[reverse side Document 6]


“Catharine Keable }
formerly &c }


Richard Keable }


Retble March Term 1822 1st day

Executed — 1.12 1/2
Miles 10 — ..90
Rets —– ..9
[Total]— $2.11 1/2

William A Beaird Sheriff”


[Document 7 – Summons]

“The People of the State of Illinois
To the Sheriff of St Clair County Greeting

You are hereby Commanded to Summon Jane Lee & John Tauly & Betsy Tauly – to be and appear before the Circuit Court of Said County on the first day of the term next to be holden at Belleville on the fourth Monday of March next to testify and the truth to Speak in behalf of Catharine Keable – in a certain matter of controversy now pending in our Said Court wherein Sd Catharine Keable – is Plaintiff and Richard Keable – is Defendant. This in no wise omit under the penalty of what the law directs and have you then there this writ

Witness John Hay Clerk of our Said Court at Belleville this Tenth Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty two
[signed] John Hay”

[reverse side Document 7]


“Catharine Keable }
formerly &c }


Richard Keable }


Retble Sept Term 1822 sst day

Executed — 1.12 1/2
Miles 10 — ..96
Rets —– ..9
[Total]— $2.17 1/2

William A Beaird Sheriff”


[Document 8 – Verdict by Jury]

“We the Jurors of this term from the evidence believe that Sd Catharine Keeble has been cruelly treated repeatedly. therefore we Sd jurors believe it our duty to grant her a divorce March 26th 1822

Joseph Beale

[reverse side Document 8]
We the Jury do find that the said Richard has treated the said Catharine with [striken word] extreme and repeated cruelty in manner and form as She has complained against him



Joseph Beale

[End Catherine Keable vs Richard Keable, 1822 Divorce, Circuit Court Case File, St. Clair County, Illinois]

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