Sample Debt
Annis Merrill Assignee &c vs John Pulliam, 1840
Circuit Court Case File 4533: Debt
St. Clair County, Illinois
Transcription. The File Jacket does not cite the Record Book in which this case is recorded.
Paper case file located at the Illinois State Archives, Springfield
Words in [square brackets] are additions or guesses by the transcriber.
[Document 1 – Summons]
“State of Illinois} ss.
St. Clair County }
To the Sheriff of our said County, Greeting.
Witness John Hay Clerk of our said Court, at Belleville, this Sixteenth day
of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty.
John Hay”
[reverse side of Document 1]
“Annis Merrill asseeof } A.M. Jenkins } v Jno Pulliam & Saml. Townsend} |
Sum. debt Debt $ 125.00 |
Dm [Damages] & $ 100.[00]
Retble Augt term 1840″
“On the 23d day of June 1840 I served the within Summons on John Pulliam & Samuel Townsend by reading the same to them
Saml. B. Chandler, Sheriff
St C. C.
returning do— 12 [cents]
[Total]———— $1.12″
[Document 2]
“Annis Merrill assignee } of Alexander M. Jenkins } vs John Pulliam Samuel Townsend } |
Debt $125 Damages $100 |
The Clerk of the St. Clair Circuit Court
will please issue Summons in this case
returnable to next term
Trumbull Atty for Pltff.
Belleville June 16 – 1840″
[reverse side of Document 2]
Pulliam & Townsendfiled 16thJune 1840″
[Document 3 – Receipt]
“Belleville July 17, 1840
Received of Pulliam and Townsend, by the hand of Pulliam, one hundred and twenty nine dollars and 25/100; it being in full for a note and charges on said Pulliam and Townsend, given to A.M. Jenkins, and by him transfered to me, of $125. dated [blank] day of July 1839 [sic] Provided said Pulliam and Townsend shall well and truly pay, to the Clerk of the County Court, the costs that have accrued thereon since suit was commenced on the same. A. Merrill.”
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