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Immaculate Conception (Centreville, Illinois) Catholic Parish Records

Compilation copyright by Gloria Dettleff

SCCGS presents this data unaltered and as donated to the Society for genealogical research purposes only. SCCGS does not certify the accuracy of this data but recognizes it was done in good faith by an experienced compiler.
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Introduction, citation Immaculate Conception
Baptisms (1879 – 1906) | Marriages (1880–1931) | Burials (1880–1956)


Some French settlers of the Cahokia area moved eastward and settled near what became Centreville Station but still attended Holy Family Church. Immaculate Conception parish was formed in 1858, then in the Alton Diocese until 1887 when the Diocese of Belleville was formed. Various records of the parish were not kept at Centreville Station until 1880 when Rev. Kempen became the first resident pastor. Priests at Immaculate Conception Parish.

Father Doutreluignue raised funds for the first church, dedicated in August 1866. Red brick used for the church was fired in a kiln behind the Brouillette farm by Belgian immigrants. The original bell burst in the flood of 1892. The bell was replaced and later transferred to a new church built and dedicated in November 1955.

The rectory, a two story brick residence, was built in 1881 by Rev. Kempen. A parish school opened in 1886, staffed by Precious Blood sisters; a new school was built in 1962. In 1972 the parish merged with St. Regis (East St. Louis) which itself closed in 2006.

Land for the parish cemetery was a gift of two acres.** About 1957 an additional acre was acquired. “Although there were earlier burials in the parish cemetery, the first entry in the register was on March 1, 1880, that of Andrew Touchette, the donor of the parish property.” [Centennial 1858-1958, p. 28]

Updated 13 August 2023. **St. Clair County Recorder of Deeds, Deed Book I-5 Pages 179-180

On 13 January 1871 Rt. Rev. Peter Joseph Baltes, Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Alton of the city of Alton, Madison County, Illinois, quit claimed to Roman Catholic Church of Immaculate Conception at Centreville Station two parcels, one by the bluffs [for the cemetery], another for the parish church grounds.

About these records, this database, caveats, citation, research ideas

About these records, this database, caveats

  • The Society and the compiler recommend researchers verify information provided on the SCCGS website with the original record extracted from images online at FamilySearch. Also, verify the actual place buried with the cemetery sexton’s book, an obituary, funeral card, death certificate, or probate record. Courthouse, IRAD, and library addresses.
  • Researchers are urged to correlate information here with that found in other records before forming conclusions about a person, family, or relationship. Further research (scroll down).
  • Baptism images through 23 December 1930 are available on microfilm (see sidebar).
  • If the image is unsatisfactory (much ink bled through), request help from the Archives of the Diocese of Belleville at (618) 722-5057.
  • Square brackets [  ] indicate wording added by the compiler to clarify an entry.
  • Terminology reflects the time period and Roman Catholic Canon Law, both have changed over time.
  • Cramped handwriting, faint images, possible transcription errors, and names spelled phonetically or with diacritical marks will undoubtedly affect this compilation. Search tips may help locate an ancestor’s name if misspelled.
  • Given names abbreviated in the church book are spelled out when the English equivalent is certain (Elizabeth for Eliz., Louis for Ludovicus). When no apparent equivalent was known or ambiguous, the Latin name or initials were transcribed.


Sample citation to a specific record in this database

Gloria Dettleff, compiler, “Immaculate Conception (Centreville, Illinois) Catholic Marriages (1880 – 1931),” St. Clair County Genealogical Society ( : date viewed) ; [ancestor’s name, date of burial].

Sample citation to a digital image of the original church register

The FamilySearch website provides a citation with each record.

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Further Research

Translation Aids


  1. Burnett, Betty. A Time of Favor: The Story of the Catholic Family of Southern Illinois. St. Louis, Mo.: Patrice Press, 1987.
  2. Diocese of Belleville. Centennial Heritage Festival and Picnic, Sunday, September 27. Belleville, Ill.: The Diocese, 1987.
  3. ______. “Location of Old Parish Records.” : viewed 13 December 2021.
  4. Centennial 1858–1958 Immaculate Conception Parish Centerville Station, Illinois. The parish : 1958.

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